ASGSR 2020 Art Competition
The ASGSR Art Competition gives scientists the chance to showcase their creative side and their research! Each year we receive submissions of all kinds, and this year there will be two new categories of winning entries: Journal Cover and Audience Choice.
Journal Cover: Winner will be selected by the GSR Editorial Board and will have their art placed on the cover of the ASGSR’s Open-Access journal Gravitational and Space Research for 2021.
Audience Choice: Winners will be voted on by ASGSR conference attendees. And like every year, there will be a winner in the subcategory of Artistic Merit ($250 award) and one for Technical Merit ($250 award).
We plan to announce the winners at the closing remarks portion of the 2020 virtual meeting.
Thank you to all those who submitted their artwork for the ASGSR 2020 Art Competition!
Artistic Merit:
Artemis and Her Quarry
Artists: Chelsi Cassilly (Harvard Medical School) and Saki Marie
Description: As the sun sets on one era of moon landings, a new one begins. Artemis, the sister of Apollo, selects an arrow that will reach her quarry: the moon.
Technical Merit:
Rainbow Root Hairs
Contributing Artist: Elison Blancaflor, Noble Research Insitutute LLC
The image is a depth-coded, confocal microscopy projection of a root of the model legume, Medicago truncatula, expressing a fluorescent reporter that binds to the actin cytoskeleton. These plant lines can be used to study the effect of microgravity on the plant cytoskeleton for future spaceflight missions.
Honorable Mentions
To Boldly Go Where No Microbiome Has Gone Before!
Artist: Ceth Parker – Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Visualizing Hybrid Fibers During Hindlimb Unloading
Ian Stiehl and Marie Mortreux
Simply click on a photo to view the artwork and read its full description.
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