The American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), founded in 1984 is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization that represents the areas of biological and physical sciences focuses on the understanding of responses of biological and physical systems to variable gravity conditions. The ASGSR provides a forum to foster research, education and professional development in the multidisciplinary fields of gravitational life and physical science research. ASGSR brings together a diverse group of scientists and engineers to encourage an exchange of ideas bridging basic and applied biological and physical sciences research and technology in space and on the ground. The organization is devoted to furthering the field of gravitational research. Our members represent academia, government, and industry interests bonded by a common issue – how living organisms and physical systems respond to gravity (e.g. low-gravity, hypergravity, etc.)

In 2019 the society created a companion 501(c)(3) Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM) Foundation to expand the opportunities for students to participate and learn about gravitational life and physical sciences research. Go to asgsr.org/steam to learn more.


The Vision of ASGSR is to advance biological and physical sciences research in, of, and for space by bringing together professional communities spanning gravitational biology, radiation biology, physical sciences, bioastronautics and astrobiology, and mentoring the future scientific and engineering leaders in these fields.


ASGSR Executive Team

Executive Director

Paul Secor,  executive_director@asgsr.org

Technical Facilitator

Emily Eicher, ASGSR, admin@asgsr.org


Stephen Keith Chapes, Kansas State University, skcbiol@k-state.edu


Governing Board and Officers 2022-2023


Ken Shields, Sierra Space Corp. Kennith.shields@sierraspace.com

Immediate Past-President and 2023 Conference Chair 

Elizabeth (Liz) Blaber, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, blabee@rpi.edu


Michael Pecaut, Loma Linda University, mpecaut@llu.edu

ASGSR Student Association President

Chirayu Patel, Wake Forest Graduate School, Cpatel@wakehealth.edu

2023-2024 Board Members

Mamta Nagaraja – through 2026

Debbie Wells (Leidos) – through 2026

Imara Perera (North Carolina State University) – through 2026

Nicole Wagner (LambdaVision Incorporated) – through 2026

Alvaro Romero-Calvo (Georgia Institute of Technology) – through 2025

Luis Zea (Sierra Space) – through 2025

Anjali Gupta – through 2025

Fathi Karouia (BioServe Space Technologies) – through 2025

George Pantalos (University of Louisville) – through 2024

Siddhita Mhatre (University of New Mexico/FILMSS) – through 2024

Kevin Crosby (Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium) – through 2024