ASGSR Fellows 2022 Nominations – Now Being Accepting
/ February 24, 2022
General announcement to all society members:
The ASGSR Fellows Committee is now accepting nominations for the ASGSR Fellows Program. The distinction of Fellow is awarded by the ASGSR in recognition of distinguished scientific and social contributions to the advancement of gravitational and space research in the fields of life and physical sciences in areas of research, education, mentoring, outreach, and professional and public service. Awardees may be from academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.

Eligibility for the award requires that the Nominee must have demonstrable contributions of high achievement and significance by:
Advancement of gravitational and space science through (one or more):
research in life sciences, medicine, and physical sciences (academic and industry)
engineering of enabling technologies and hardware capabilities for ground- and flight-based research
development and provision of vehicles, platforms, and facilities to enable any flight-based research
payload development and implementation services to conduct flight-based research on any platform
education, outreach, advocacy (government, public, and commercial), teaching, and mentoring
Minimum of 5-years of service to the society while furthering the goals of ASGSR (number of years of membership alone is not a criterion for eligibility). Former members are eligible for the award and posthumous award nominations are accepted.
Nomination procedure for the Fellow program: Any current ASGSR member may serve as a preparator for this award. The preparator submits a nomination letter along with a CV/Resume of the nominee. This package is to be emailed to the ASGSR Fellow Selection Committee Chair at
Nominations are due by Aug. 1, 2022.
The ASGSR Fellow Selection Committee will present a slate of nominees to the ASGSR Governing Board for their consideration. A maximum of three Fellows may be inducted each year. Note that any nomination will remain eligible for three years after original submission if the nominee is not selected – the original package may be edited at any time by the preparator.
ASGSR Fellows will have the following responsibilities:
Advocacy support for the Society and gravitation and space research in general
Participation in student-based activities during the ASGSR Annual Meetings
Serve on the Fellows nomination selection committee in the subsequent year
Serve as a member of the organizing committee for a standing ASGSR Fellow’s Symposium to be delivered as part of the annual meeting