Upcoming Job Announcement: Program Scientist at NASA Headquarters

/ April 25, 2021

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) will be hiring one or more scientists to serve as civil servant Program Scientists at Headquarters in Washington, DC. SMD will fill multiple Program Scientist positions in the Earth Science, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, Astrophysics, or Biological & Physical Sciences Divisions, Exploration Science Strategy & Integration Office, Front Office, and/or other SMD program offices. Program Scientists…

NASEM Employment Opportunity – Associate Program Officer, Space Studies Board

/ April 10, 2021

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (DEPS) is looking to fill the position of Associate Program Officer – Space Studies Board. The DEPS mission is to provide independent and authoritative science, technology, engineering and related policy advice to the federal government and to the nation and to promote communications between the…

Library of Congress Congressional Research Service seeks an Analyst in Science and Technology Policy (Science, Technology, and Society)

/ February 28, 2021

The Congressional Research Service would like to share this career opportunity with you and your network.  Analyst in Science and Technology Policy (Science, Technology, and Society)  Open & Closing Dates: 02/12/2021 to 03/12/2021  Salary: $103,690 to $134,798 per year The Resources, Science and Industry Division of the Congressional Research Service seeks an Analyst in Science and Technology Policy. The analyst will address…

ASGSR is Searching for a New Executive Director

/ February 1, 2021

Dear ASGSR Community, The ASGSR society is searching for a new Executive Director to help our manage the operations of our society as well as advocate for space life and physical sciences. The Executive Director will coordinate, implement and execute all aspects of ASGSR’s business, including management of daily operations in cooperation with the Governing Board of the Society and…

Graduate Assistantship (Teaching or Research Assistantship)

/ January 31, 2021

We are looking for recruiting a Ph.D. student at Redox Biology Laboratory, Department of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University. The qualified student will enroll in the Exercise Biomechanics Doctorate program. In our lab, we are doing research on- NASA life science to support astronauts during spaceflight alterations, mainly mitigate skeletal muscle atrophy and bone loss in the space environment, microgravity, and Radiation.- Aging,…

AST, Life Sciences Research (Senior Scientist)

/ October 15, 2020

https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/580866900 The Utilization and Life Sciences Office (UBA00) at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is seeking a high level Senior Scientist who will serve as an expert consultant with responsibility for NASA Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Division strategic and tactical vision and planning for fundamental and applied plant-related research for ground, microgravity, lunar and Mars platforms.

Applications are being accepted for the ISS National Lab User Advisory Committee

/ September 23, 2020

Dear Colleague, I invite you to consider becoming a member of the ISS National Lab User Advisory Committee (UAC), applications for which are now being considered. View the application webpage. In accordance with our Cooperative Agreement with NASA, the UAC will consist of individuals representing organizations who have formal agreements with either NASA or CASIS (dba the ISS National Lab)…

Upcoming NASA Position Announcement

/ September 15, 2020

NASA seeks a Senior Scientist to serve 2-6 years within the KSC Utilization and Life Sciences Office as an expert consultant at the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC).  The  primary responsibility is the development of the Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) strategic and tactical vision and planning for plant research and applied space crop production research for ground, microgravity, lunar…

Now Online: AIBS Employment Acquisition Skills Boot Camp for Scientists

/ June 30, 2020

Dear Colleague, Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate programs in the United States do an excellent job of preparing students for careers in academia. As early career professionals and a growing number of reports note, however, many recent STEM graduates (including those with advanced degrees) are interested in employment in sectors beyond the professoriate by the time they complete…